Code of Conduct
The Milford School District strives to provide a safe, drug-free, positive school climate that allows students to succeed. Schools must be free from disruptions that interfere with teaching and learning activities. Students, Parent(s)/Guardian(s), and school staff must assume a responsible role in creating a relationship as partners in the educational process of the students. By working together, a positive school environment that encourages the academic, social, and emotional development of all students can be achieved. With this in mind, the Milford School District Board of Education has developed this policy statement:
- Students in the Milford School District shall respect constituted authority.
- Citizenship in a democracy requires respect for the rights of others. Student conduct shall reflect consideration for the rights and privileges of others and demands cooperation with all members of the school community.
- High personal standards of appearance, clothing, courtesy, decency, morality, clean language, honesty, and wholesome relationships with others shall be maintained. Respect for real and personal property, pride in one's work and achievement within one's ability shall be expected of all pupils.
Students, Parent(s)/Guardian(s), and Staff are expected to become familiar with the entire contents of this document.
A copy of the Code of Conduct is sent home (email or paper) to each student upon school entry and is available on each school’s web page. Orientation to the Code of Conduct is held in each school at the beginning of the school year whether in the classroom or an assembly.