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Strategic Plan Process

Milford School District engaged a diverse group of students, staff, caregivers, and community members to develop the next strategic plan, Charting a Course to Excellence. The Strategic Plan Steering Committee convened multiple times over a 6 month period to guide the key elements of the plan: Portrait of a Buccaneer, Core Beliefs, Vision, Mission, and Priorities. Each of the elements contributes to setting the stage for the next several years of focus in Milford Schools. Additionally, the strategic planning process elevated stakeholder voices through a survey completed by over 1,000 individuals and numerous focus groups all designed to gather input from all stakeholders. Charting a Course to Excellence was presented and approved to the Board on May 23, 2023.


Steering Committee Members: Jena Albright, Bridget Amory, Sara Bluhm, Seth Buford, Julie Bunting, Jessenia Carranza, Sara Croce, Jayson Crouch, Jolene Dickerson, Kevin Dickerson, Paul Dorey, Fred Duffy, Hunter Emory, Paige Evers, Scott Fitzgerald, Sharon Forrest, Amanda Gaglione, Kristin Galati, Trish Gerken, Sharlitta Gilbert, Charles Gray, Jennifer Hallman, SaraKate Hammer, Brittany Hazzard, Shervaun Hinton, Carrie Holleger, Trudy Horsey, Jason James, Nick Jefferson, Amy Jones, Katie Kenton, Lori L’Armand, Ashley Lockwood, Laura Manges, Lisa McQueen, Jodi Messick, Jason Miller, Joe Nolt, Jason Peel, Kris Phillips, Gary Rhodes, Adam Richardson, Mike Sharp, Kerry Stahl, Jean Wylie.

Student Representatives: Sofia Lopez and Orrin Sharp

Contact Trish Gerken: or call 302-503-9542