Strategic Plan: Charting the Course to Excellence
Our mission:
The mission of Milford School District is to provide all learners a comprehensive, individualized education in a safe, supportive, rigorous environment where learners are prepared to grow and thrive in a global society.
Our vision:
Milford School District students will be prepared with the attributes, knowledge, and skills to fulfill their life pursuits.
Core Beliefs:
We believe | the foundation of excellence is rooted in an academically rigorous curriculum, supportive instruction, and high expectations for each learner. |
We believe | in ensuring that each student has equitable access to the appropriate resources and supports to thrive. |
We believe | in the mindset that improvement is always possible and mistakes are learning opportunities |
We believe | honoring each individual's identity, opinions, and dignity leads to a sense of belonging for each member of the school community. |
We believe | the district's partnerships with families and community are integral to the success of our students and community at large. |
We believe | the arts, extra-curriculars, and co-curricular activities are integral components of a well-rounded education, fostering much personal growth. |
Our goals are clear: we aspire to be a district of schools that are pillars in our communities, where students can achieve big dreams, where families and community members feel welcomed and respected, and where staff is supported and appreciated as they guide students to their highest potential.