School Bus Code of Conduct
Milford, Delaware 19963
Student Safety – Student safety is a top priority for the Milford School District. School bus drivers are considered school officials and the bus is deemed an extension of the classroom. Students should observe classroom conduct when on the bus. Students who do not follow safe procedures on the bus will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension or denial of bus privileges as outlined in this policy.
Parent Contact – Drivers and/or contractors are to make a good faith attempt to contact parents prior to writing a bus referral. This effort should be documented on the referral form when necessary. A Principal/Designee must notify the parent/guardian of any suspension or denial of riding privileges.
Contractor/Driver Meeting Request – Contractors and/or drivers may request a meeting with administration and parents of children in grades Pre-K-12 prior to writing a bus referral.
Implementation – School Bus Drivers should take steps to organize and promote a safe school bus environment. Drivers and Principal/Designee shall implement this policy in the manner specified. The implementation of this policy is in compliance with Delaware State 14 DE Reg.1150 which requires the school district assume primary responsibility for student conduct.
The following items should be implemented when carrying out the Bus Code of Conduct:
a. For any suspension from the bus, Principal/Designee must contact the parent/guardian prior to the suspension. If there is a loss of bus privilege, it will start no later than two (2) days after the school has notified the parents.
b. An administrator can enact or prolong a bus suspension if the student presents a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of other students and staff.
c. Infractions are cumulative regardless of offense type or category.
d. If a student commits a series of related offenses on a bus trip, the offense with the highest penalty is to be chosen for action.
- Bus Referrals
- Due Process
- Category 1 - Minor Offenses
- Category 2 - Major Offenses
- Category 3 - Serious Offenses/Law Violations
- Bus Code of Conduct Violations
- Student Appeal Process for Bus Code of Conduct
Bus Referrals
Due Process
Category 1 - Minor Offenses
Category 2 - Major Offenses
Category 3 - Serious Offenses/Law Violations
Bus Code of Conduct Violations
Student Appeal Process for Bus Code of Conduct
ADOPTED: 12/15/86; 7/20/87; 1/25/88; 7/11/88; 7/10/89; 7/9/90; 5/20/91; 6/3/91; 6/22/92; 7/12/93; 6/27/94; 11/28/94; 6/26/95; 6/24/96; 6/25/01; 6/20/05
REVISED: 5/24/99; 9/27/99; 5/22/00; 5/21/01; 6/24/02; 6/23/03; 6/24/04; 5/23/05; 6/20/11; 5/21/12; 4/20/15; 7/8/19