Purpose 1: This section is to document the LEA's required Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.
- 1. Please describe the extent to which the LEA has adopted policies on each of the following health and safety strategies:
- 2. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services...
1. Please describe the extent to which the LEA has adopted policies on each of the following health and safety strategies:
2. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services...
Purpose 2. This section is to document the LEA's required ARP ESSER Plan, which at a minimum must describe:
- 1. The extent to which and how ARP ESSER Funds will be used by the LEA to implement prevention and mitigation strategies that are, to the greatest extent practicable, in line with the most recent guidance
- 2. How the LEA will use the mandatory 20% set-aside to address the academic impact of lost instruction time through the implementation of evidence based interventions
- 3. How the LEA will use the remaining ARP ESSER funds consistent with the statutory requirements
- 4. How the LEA will ensure that the ARP ESSER funded interventions...
- 5. Describe the promising practices the LEA has implemented to accelerate learning
1. The extent to which and how ARP ESSER Funds will be used by the LEA to implement prevention and mitigation strategies that are, to the greatest extent practicable, in line with the most recent guidance
2. How the LEA will use the mandatory 20% set-aside to address the academic impact of lost instruction time through the implementation of evidence based interventions
3. How the LEA will use the remaining ARP ESSER funds consistent with the statutory requirements
4. How the LEA will ensure that the ARP ESSER funded interventions...
5. Describe the promising practices the LEA has implemented to accelerate learning
Identifying Needs of Underserved Students
Describe your LEA’s highest priority academic, social, emotional, and/or mental health needs for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year (if applicable) and for the 2021-2022 school year related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on each of the following student groups.
To the extent possible, this description should include data on indicators such as estimates of the academic impact of lost instructional time, chronic absenteeism, student engagement, and social-emotional well-being.
Student group | Highest priority needs |
Students from low-income families |
34.68% low income student population with 1.34% considered homeless and 0.3% Foster students. The highest priority needs for these students include access to the schools resources, support for attendance, and academic supports to address learning delays and social-emotional mental health needs. |
Students from each racial or ethnic background used by the State for reporting purposes – please add a row for each racial or ethnic group (e.g., identifying disparities and focusing on underserved student groups by race/ethnicity) |
American Indian or Alaska Native- 0.33% Asian American - 0.87%
Black or African American - 25.17% Hispanic or Latino - 21.89%
Multi-Racial - 4.34%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander- 0.16% White or Caucasian- 47.25%
High priority needs include ensuring English appropriate language supports and services, meaningful access to information about school programs, services, and activities in a language that they can understand. Student support teams identify students within their respective buildings that require additional supports and provide individualized services as needed. |
Students by gender – please add a row for each gender (e.g., identifying disparities and focusing on underserved student groups by gender) | Students both male and female that have identified disparities are addressed based on needs not on gender. School support teams monitor all students with a concentration on high risk subgroups of students for not only academic disparities but the negative impacts of COVID19 and mental health concerns. |
English learners |
English Learners 17.76% Continuing the public awareness campaign, Building Bridges, that is a parent involvement group that helps the district prioritize health and safety, support mental health needs, and accelerate academic achievement for all student subgroups. |
Children with disabilities |
Students with Disabilities - 15.35% Continuing the public awareness campaign, Building Bridges, that is a parent involvement group that helps the district prioritize health and safety, support mental health needs, and accelerate academic achievement for all student subgroups. |
Students experiencing homelessness |
Homeless - 1.34% High priority needs for this subgroup includes access to Transportation, various services, community collaboration, and program specific availability. Additionally, the district strives to provide enrollment assistance and ease of access to school resources to mitigate the impacts of COVID19 and homelessness. Additional focus on supporting attendance and student achievement. |
Children and youth in foster care |
Foster - 0.3% High priority needs for this subgroup includes access to Transportation, various services, community collaboration, and program specific availability. Additionally, the district strives to provide enrollment assistance and ease of access to school resources to mitigate the impacts of COVID19 and homelessness. Additional focus on supporting attendance and student achievement and support with challenges including trauma,abuse, neglect and loss. |
Migratory students |
Culturally responsiveness approaches
Student and family centered approaches
Access to services
Food and nutrition programs
Trauma from insecurities
Education supports at home
English language development
Education continuity
Other groups of students identified by the LEA (e.g., youth involved in the criminal justice system, students who have missed the most in-person instruction during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, students who did not consistently participate in remote instruction when offered during school building closures, LGBTQ+ students) |
The district prioritizes at-risk and disadvantaged subgroups of students, especially those who are at heightened risks of identity based harassment. Student intervention teams continue to meet and identify individual education and mental health needs of students PreK through 12 by pairing appropriate instruction with specific student needs. |