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Facilities Request

An application is required for rental of any Milford School District facility.  The application is online:




Facilities Rental Application


This application must be completed and estimated: 50% cost of usage is to be paid in full at time of the submission of usage request. Certificate of Insurance and Background Checks will be required for initial approval. Refunds will be made in accordance with Regulation 1-M of Milford School District Board of Education Policy 3101. It is understood by the Milford Board of Education the requesting organization named assumes full responsibility for any damage to equipment, furnishings, building, or grounds. Promotional or other events, as deemed necessary by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds will require Milford Board of Education approval prior to final authorization and may be subject to rental/usage fees in excess of the fees identified in Exhibit 1 of Milford School District Board of Education Policy 3101.

Alcoholic beverages, smoking and gambling are not permitted in school facilities or on school grounds at any time. Falsification of information on application, rowdiness, and vandalism, abuse of property, inadequate supervision, and/or violations of Delaware Law, City of Milford ordinances, or district policies shall be grounds for eviction, cancellation of permit, and may impact continuance of future facilities/equipment usage.

Flags other than United States and State of Delaware are NOT to be displayed at any time on school buildings or grounds without the expressed written permission of the Milford School District. The Milford School District has the expressed authority to restrict the display of flags and/or promotional material as it deems necessary.

Lessee shall indemnify Milford School District against all claims and liability arising from any accident, injury, damage to person or property occurring on or about leased premises or on sidewalks or streets adjoining the leased premises and which arises out of or occurs in connection with use of leased premises by lessee, his or its agents, employees, members or guest. The word “Lessee” shall indicate person or organization leasing and requesting the use of Milford School District buildings, grounds, and facilities. The person signing this form represents that he or she has the full legal authority to act in behalf of and bind the party, parties, or organization requesting the use of property belonging to Milford School District. Lessee agrees to provide Milford School District with a Certificate of Insurance listing Milford School District as an “Additional Insured” prior to approval of this application.

Milford School District reserves the right to cancel or postpone this event based on, but not limited to, security concerns, weather conditions, availability of district personnel, school events, and/or condition of the buildings and/or grounds. The requesting organization is responsible to see that vehicles observe fire lane restrictions, handicapped parking, and for keeping all entrances and exits clear. We must be assured that emergency vehicles have clear access to and from the buildings and grounds.

The Responsible Person noted on the front of this application and signed by such person must be present at all times during the rental. If they will not be present, or if there are more than one responsible person(s), all those responsible must be listed and all must sign the application.

For all non-school organizations, a copy or proof of an acceptable criminal background and child protection registry checks must be submitted for the person, within the supervisory role, with the application and prior to facility use approval being granted. The organization also must indicate within their building use form request whether staff utilizing the facilities have had acceptable background checks. If the organization is not able to provide proof of background checks for an adult staff member or volunteer, individuals serving in either of these capacities must be cleared by the Milford School District through the Raptor Visitor Management System or other district-used background electronic screener prior to working the event. Violation of this part of the policy will result in immediate termination of the organization’s facility use.

All pre-paid facilities/equipment rental fees and custodial charges will be refunded by the Milford School District Administrative Office if written notice is received of the cancellation at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled event. Custodial charges, but not the facilities/equipment rental fee, will be refunded by the Milford School District Administrative Office if written notice of the cancellation is received prior to the day of the event, but not before 72 hours. The Application fee is not subject to refund under any circumstances.

NOTE: See Board Policy #3101. For rates: See Board Policy #3101, Exhibit #1