MMS Project Updates
March 2024 Update:
Project Updates
September 2023 Update:
Demolition has started.
August 2023 Update:
The environmental remediation and targeted selective demolition is almost complete. This careful demolition phase is necessary to complete the preparatory work for complete demolition, which is on schedule for later this month.
July 1, 2023 UPDATE:
Bid Solicitation for Demolition on the MMS property was posted by the State Contracting office on June 29, 2023 and is now active. Bid responses are due by July 27, 2023 and the district anticipates awarding the successful vendor at the July 31, 2023 board meeting.
Environmental work is scheduled to be completed by the end of July
The design documents are with the State Division of facilities management for approval and we are hoping to take final design documents to the school board on July 31 to begin preparing construction bid documents to go out this fall.
May 15, 2023 UPDATE:
Abatement has begun. The abatement is completely contained. Plans and specifications for the design development phase were presented.
November 12, 2022 Update:
October 17, 2022 UPDATE:
August 1, 2022 Update:
Building and Grounds Supervisor, Mike Sharp, updated the MSD Board of Education with the following project updates:
BSA+A named Architectural Engineering firm
BSA+A will lead processes for developing the design and site plan for the MMS project.
Next steps in the MMS project is programming meetings. These meetings will define the spaces need and allow for BSA+A to start planning the spaces. Meetings are anticipated to be set up in the next few weeks and will include members of the school community (teachers, child nutrition, specialized programming staff, maintenance, etc).
Davis, Bowen, and Friedel held a kickoff meeting with DelDOT and the project is progressing. DBF has been onsite conducting survey.
Process for asbestos/hazardous waste has started. We expect this portion of the project to go out to bid early Winter '23.