Measuring Student Progress
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
A. Promotion will follow the procedure stated below: Students are expected to perform in the regular curriculum on grade level. The fundamental purpose of standards-based grading is to compare student performance to established levels of proficiency in knowledge, understanding and skills. The intent is to evaluate student work in relation to pre-established learning standards as indicated by the achievement scale listed below. The promotion of each student will be determined individually, and the decision to promote a student is made on the basis of multiple factors including progress toward meeting English language arts, math, social studies, science standards and school attendance. When a student does not meet the promotion criteria, the student will be retained or assigned remediation through interventions at the school administration’s discretion. The school administration, in consultation with a student support team, may retain/place/promote a student under certain circumstances, including excessive absences.
Promotion Requirements: Demonstrate evidence of consistent progress towards meeting grade level standards in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Grades 2-5
Students are expected to perform in the regular curriculum on grade level. There are grading standards for reading, math and writing at each grade level. The final grade is determined by an average of marking period report card grades. When a student does not meet the promotion criteria, he/she will be retained or assigned remediation through interventions such as summer school, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) or school tutoring, at the administration’s discretion. The administration, in consultation with a student support team, may promote or place a student under certain circumstances (i.e., IEP recommendation) and/or develop special unique alternative programs which are deemed to be in the best interest of the child, except where this is not allowed by state law. Likewise, the administration, in consultation with a student support team may retain a student who has been processed during the school year for truancy court due to excessive absences.
Promotion Requirements: Demonstrate evidence of consistent progress towards meeting grade level standards in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies
From 2nd to 3rd, 3rd to 4th, 4th to 5th, and 5th to 6th Grade: Criteria: (a) Reading: Final grade of "D" or higher or at the administration’s discretion (b) Math: Final grade of "D" or higher or at the administration’s discretion
Grades 6-8
A. Promotion will follow the procedure stated below: Students are expected to perform in the regular curriculum on grade level. There are grading standards for English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies at each grade level. The final grade is determined by an average of marking period report card grades. When a student does not meet the promotion criteria, the student will be retained or assigned remediation through interventions at the school administration’s discretion. The school administration, in consultation with a student support team, may retain/place/promote a student under certain circumstances, including excessive absences.
Promotion Requirements: Demonstrate evidence of consistent progress towards meeting grade level standards in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies: From 6th to 7th, 7th to 8th and 8th to 9th Grade
Criteria: (a) Final grade of “D” or higher in four core content courses: English Language Arts, Math, and a passing grade in Science and Social Studies combined or at administration’s discretion.
Special Populations
A. Any student with an IEP, 504, or Multilingual Learner needs will continue to receive the accommodations for which they are eligible.
B. Teachers will continue to provide appropriate instructional supports and interventions.
C. Students will continue to receive quarterly progress updates which provide information pertaining to the progress made by students towards achieving their individual goals and objectives.