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Board of Education

The Milford School Board is comprised of seven members elected through a District wide vote of the people. Board Members serve four-year terms on a staggered basis and reside in the district. Members annually elect their President and Vice President.

The Milford School Board sets policies and rules that govern the administration of the District. The Board operates according to Delaware laws and Delaware Department of Education regulations and it sets policy only when members meet in official session. The Board appoints the District's Superintendent, who administers the daily operations of the school system.

 *Division of Milford School District designated by one member each representing areas A, B, C, D, and three AL (At-Large - may be elected from any area of Milford School District)

First page of the PDF file: Milford_School_DistrictMap1

SY2024-2025 Milford Board of Education

Pictured left to right: Adam Brownstein, Jean Wylie, Scott Fitzgerald (President), Ashlee Connell, Victor "Butch" Elzey, Jennifer Massotti, Matt Bucher (Vice President)

Milford School District Swearing in Ceremony - July 10, 2023

Newly elected board members were sworn in during the july reorganization meeting.  New members are Jennifer massotti, ashlee connell, and Victor "Butch" Elzey